H-4137 Mortar Penetration Resistance Apparatus

Spring-reaction-type apparatus, graduated from 10 to 130 lbf (45 to 580N) in increments of 2 lbf (9N) for testing rate of hardness of mortars sieved from concrete mixtures. Determines effects of variables such as temperature, cement, mixture proportions, additions and admixtures upon the time of setting and hardening of concrete. Penetration resistance is measured by the downward vertical force exerted to penetrate the mortar 1″ (25mm).


Pressure reading is measured by a scale with a sliding ring indicator on the handle’s stem. Includes these interchangeable mortar penetration resistance needles: 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/10, 1/20 and 1/40 sq. in (645, 323, 161, 65, 32, 16mm2).


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