RLS-100 Specimen Lab Saw

  • 3 speed advancing rate (feed rate of specimen being prepared)
  • Accepts up to 170-mm diameter core specimens
  • 1 Horsepower electric motor (3 HP optional)


The GCTS Specimen Lab Saw has a power feed feature, which automatically pushes the specimen into the saw blade for an even, smooth cut. The Lab Saw can accommodate up to 170-mm diameter specimen. The blade speed is approximately 800 rpm and it is cooled either by water or biodegradable cutting oil.

Automatic rock core saw with three-speed hydraulic power feed from 230 through 340 mm/hour and automatic cut off adjustable for length of cut. Accepts cores up to 175 mm (7 inch) in diameter. Includes 1 HP/220 Volt electric motor, metal hood with viewing window, and 800 rpm approximate blade speed.