HPPD-20 Fast Pulse-Decay Permeability Test Apparatus

  • Apparatus for measurement of rock permeability using the Fast Pulse-Decay method
  • Two (2) 2,000 cc volume stainless steel reservoirs
  • Two (2) 500 cc volume stainless steel reservoirs
  • Nine (9) zero-volume-change ball valves
  • Two (2) pressure transducers
  • 20 MPa pressure capacity
  • Integrated temperature control system inside the cabinet


The GCTS Fast Pulse-Decay Permeability Apparatus (HPPD-20) is designed for measurement of permeability in micro-porous material such as gas shale and other reservoir rocks, in order determine the capacity and flow characteristics of the rock matrix. HPPD-20 is capable of measuring rock permeability less than 1 μD (microdarcy).

HPPD-20 includes two stainless steel large reservoirs with 2,000 cc volume capacity each and two smaller stainless steel reservoirs each with 500 cc volume capacity. Also included are nine zero-volume-change ball valves and one needle valve for precise flow control. The system components are secured in an insulated metal cabined with front panel mounted valves and controls.

The system also features precise temperature control inside the cabinet for elimination of any errors from temperature induced volume expansion and contraction of the fluid and gas inside the reservoirs. HPPD-20 includes all necessary valves and fluid lines to perform the Fast Pulse-Decay permeability test when used with any of GCTS triaxial systems.


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